Oando’s participation in the fight against corruption extend beyond our business operations. The company is actively involved in the global fight against corruption and the promotion of good corporate sustainability principles through membership in several local and global anti-corruption organizations. These organizations include:
- The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC): Oando became a signatory to the Global Compact in July 2009 and actively participates in the Local Network of the Global Compact in Nigeria. As a pioneer member of the Global Compact LEAD platform; a corporate sustainability leadership forum that provides the opportunity to implement the Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership (developed in close consultation with a large number of corporate participants and stakeholders and widely endorsed by business, governments, and civil society at the Leader’s Summit in New York in June 2010), and share related outcomes and learnings with the broader universe of companies.
The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and reporting publicly on progress made in implementing these principles in their business operations.
Additionally, the company seconded its staff to work with the Local Networks Team of the Global Compact Office in New York for 24months. This afforded the company the opportunity to contribute to the development of the global sustainability agenda while building capacity in demonstrating best practices in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.
- The World Economic Forum, Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI): The Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) was formally launched in January 2004. PACI unites companies from various industries and regions to fight bribery and corruption through a zero-tolerance policy. The organization offers a risk mitigation platform to help companies design and implement effective policies and systems to prevent, detect and address corruption issues.
Oando became a signatory to PACI in 2008 and remains actively involved in PACI programs in various capacities as task force members.
- Convention on Business Integrity (CBi): CBi is an organization established for the maintenance of ethical conduct, competence, transparency and accountability by private sector operators. CBi was established to empower business transactions within Nigeria against corruption and corrupt practices.
Oando became the 21st member to sign into the Convention on November 16, 2009. Following the recent business integrity failure and regulatory lapses in Nigeria, the CBi began supporting efforts to promote a collaborative approach of enhancing public-private sector partnership through roundtable discussions with select groups of leaders of key government regulatory bodies and members of the business community to identify and implement sustainable models for corporate control against corrupt practices in Nigeria.